InFormation (2021) Moments in Time 

Moments: Fr Peter, Fulbright Scholar? Who Knew?

Warrenton Banner, May 30, 1963

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Click to enlarge. There's no by-line on this clipping and few of us even realized that it had happened. Fr. Peter Berendt was awarded a Fulbright Grant for summer Latin studies in Rome for eight weeks.

Those of us taking his Latin courses were challenged by two things: 1) the language itself, and, most of all, 2) by the energy and passion this man had for the study of Latin. He promoted the Auxilium Latinum national test and many of us were awarded certificates of accomplishment in our Latin studies.

It is not a surprise that few of us knew of his recognition as he was humble in many ways–just not in his love of Latin! I am, all these years later, thankful for his work as it has served me in my love of language and even in the science of biology. Fr. Peter was born in 1929 and passed away in 2020. He can be found in our Directory